Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Field Trip: first of three parts

The Field Trip
Written by: Psyche Summer
Well, it’s not a field trip actually. Not in the literal sense. Today it’s just me. Me and my teacher: Mr. Drake. It has been close to six months now that Master Drake, as he prefers to be called, has been giving me almost daily detentions. Almost daily doses of him… but not just him… inside me, on top of me… all over me. In my ass and down my throat, slick in my wet cunt. He has been taking me this way since mid-November; it is May now, and we are on a field trip. Our first. He told me it was to celebrate the fact that I had, much to his dismay, utterly failed his course and would have to repeat it next year. And here, I always thought English was my best subject.
We are at the amusement park; it’s a water park actually. I am clothed in a dark blue string bikini dotted with tiny silvery stars and very snug white shorts. I am normally a more modest dresser, but today, Master Drake picked out my clothes. I am small, in most places, lithe and trim. My dark hair is pulled in a pony tail. I wear a tiny, silver, key charm around my neck. The charm hangs pointing downward towards my breasts, which are uncharacteristically large compared to the rest of my compact frame. They are 34DD and today they are overflowing the confines of the two meager blue triangles that are trying, unsuccessfully, to hold them in place. Master Drake, who is wearing a t-shirt and red ball cap, is holding my hand… not out of affection per se… it’s just his way of reminding me who is in control.
We try the merry-go-round first. Master Drake leads me to a painted tiger close to the center, right by a mirrored panel. As I lift my leg to mount the animal I feel Master Drake’s hands reaching up to touch me underneath my shorts. He runs his hands between the cotton stretch and my skin, running his palms along the curve of my ass and the back of my leg. He lowers his gaze and watches my tits harden. His mouth is level with them. He smiles. Rather than choosing his own animal, Master Drake prefers to stand next to mine, between me and the mirror. He is facing me and with his left hand he is fingering me… I raise my body slightly in the saddle, as he probes my inner recesses. As the music plays, Master Drake is running his middle three fingers in and out of my pussy. I can feel his nails as they scrape along the bottom of my cunt. I try to look at him, but he won’t meet my gaze. Instead he shifts his eyes to the mirrored hub of the carousel. When I follow his lead I see my own reflection: my mouth shaped into a crooked “O” of pleasure, my eyes already beginning to glaze. Looking through the mirror, I see Master Drake’s manhood begin to stiffen. He withdraws his fingers and runs them up and down my dangling calves and along the contours of my naked torso. My body shudders as the ride begins to slow, as the children clamber down from their horses and dragons and elephants; Master Drake reaches up and pulls me down off the tiger. His still wet fingers leave damp imprints on my arms, together we step off the carousel into the glaring sun.
Next we ride the sky cars: hooded seats, built for two, suspended on wires that travel through the park. Master Drake is aroused by what happened on the merry-go-round. He has taken off his cap to obscure the bulge that is now rocketing out of his pants. Master Drake is a public school teacher and appearances are important to him. I know, however that he will soon demand to be sated. I was right. On the sky car, he begins at once. He first removes my bikini top. My swollen breasts come tumbling out; their paleness is luminescent in the glare of the sun. We are high above the crowds, and he is biting my nipples, pushing his face against their firm cushiony roundness. My dark, dusty rose colored nipples fall in and out of his gaping mouth. His tongue covers them with his saliva. His hands are at my hips, jerking and pulling my shorts, my bathing suit. He cannot undress me properly; the safety bar blocks his way. But I am exposed, at least, for his pleasure. He is fumbling now with the strings of his board shorts, revealing his throbbing penis, which after he bends me over so that my head rests on his crotch, he inserts into my mouth. I can feel the tense muscles in his thighs relax. His pubic hair rustles against my cheeks, tickling my nose. I can smell his dry musky scent. My lips are puckered tight around his dick… just the way he has taught me, the way he likes it, my tongue rigid inside my mouth, flushed hard against the staff of his cock. I bow my head over him and plunge over and over him…. again and again. I can hear his sighs, his groans as he succumbs to my touch. He pulls out of me. I kiss the tip of his cock and ask for permission to resume. He nods his head. He is enjoying this. He is fondling my nipples carelessly, he is not even attempting to reciprocate my passion. I ply him with kisses before taking him again. And again. When I feel his body go rigid, feel him grip my hair… I stop… waiting for just seconds. He pulls out of me, touches the tip of his cock to my lips and then changes his mind… unloading his cum all over my breasts. He grabs my hands and rubs them along my heaving chest, smothering my pale white globes with his milk. He catches drops of his own cum as they roll off my nipples. I suck them, as he has taught me, off of slick fingers. The ride grinds to a halt as I readjust the straps of my halter, pull up my pants that were lowered just for his amusement. We hurry to our next stop. Mr. Drake wants a swim.
In the wave pool, we find a nice corner. I do not enjoy sex in public, but Master Drake insists. Among the throngs of people who bob atop the synthetic waves, Master Drake is about to take me again. Leaning me up against his torso, he is pulling down the back of my bikini bottom. The tepid water splashes against my stomach as he levels himself against my body. I feel his dick, hard again (already!) against my ass… searching, probing… finding its target. I shudder again as I feel him enter me. I will never get used to that first untimely shock. He is crouching in the pool, pulling and repelling my body. My legs float up in front of me. Master Drake has me gripped by the torso, the back of my legs face the floor of the pool. He is moving in rhythm with the waves… I fight to suppress the great groans that are welling up in my lungs. I think a man in sun glasses is looking at us. Master Drake has his arms around my waist and his hand down my front. He is rubbing my swollen clit, daring me to remain mute. As the waves smack against me, I let out a hoarse scream… one that I hope gets lost among the squeals of children in the crowded pool. The man in sun glasses is definitely staring now. I cover my mouth as I feel Master Drake buck beneath me. I feel his cock inside my ass, twitch; I hear him grunt in my ear. The water foams around us… as he relaxes inside of me. I exhale… but not for long. For as we make our way to the steps of the pool, I turn to see the man in the shades is following us.
At the concession stand Master Drake makes me eat a hot dog in one long delicious bite. He buys me a lemonade and is content, for the moment, to watch my plush lips wrap around the red straw. He is relaxed, enjoying the field trip. We are sitting together on a bench, my legs crossed at the ankles. His arm is draped across my back. My shoulders are slightly sunburnt, when the man in the sunglasses approaches. He is older than Mr. Drake I guess by a few years, his hair is graying a bit. He is largish, maybe Italian, shirtless, wearing black trunks that are still damp from his swim. He sits down on the other side of me. I try to slide over… to make room, but Master Drake has not budged. I am wedged between the two men. Neither of them seems to mind. Master Drake casually unfastens my ponytail letting my long hair cascade down his arm. He leans over and adjusts my bathing suit strap… strategically. The other man, the Italian, is watching, not turning away as Master Drake begins to kiss my neck… to run the tips of his fingers along my collarbone. He takes my hand and places it squarely on his cock. The Italian does not avert his eyes. He turns toward me, rests his arms on his knees: watches. Watches my nipples inflate under my top… my master’s penis harden at the sight. The man’s arm brushes my knee. I slide it away. Master Drake frowns. I think I just got an “F.” (again). He takes his hand, places it on my knee and slides it back so that it is well within the man’s grasp. Soon the Italian is licking the rims of my ear, parting my hair away from my face and rubbing my nipples, underneath my silvery starry suit, with his hairy fist.
We go to the hall of mirrors. It is housed in a little children’s park on the outskirts of the park. It is a hot day and the building is holding the humidity. We have it to ourselves. Master Drake is feeling generous. He gives the Italian first go. The Italian is all over me. With his meaty hands he is at my throat, unknotting the strings of my top so that it falls to the ground. His heavy breath, I can feel it in my ears. Feel it against my throat as he pushes his mouth up against mine, pushing my body against one of the mirrors, grabbing my legs and hoisting me up, to rest on his knee which he has pinioned under me and against the mirror upon which I recline. My palms sweat as I push them against the grimy glass. His pants are at his feet. His dick is in my suit already. My feet flail under me, kicking the air as I absorb his thrusts. My head hits the back of the mirror. The man’s thick fingers find my ass hole, they rub my hair, find their way into my mouth. All the while he is striking me… letting his heavy torso fall upon me, his dick, shorter, but thick fills me, the walls of my cunt are squeezed around him.
Master Drake stands behind the Italian. He has also removed his clothes. He holds his fully erect cock between his hands. He rubs some pre-cum between his fingers… approaches me. He feeds it to me. My head has rolled to one side. I lick the beads of moisture off his finger tips… let his finger linger in my mouth. The man is grunting now… heaving, but Master Drake will not let him cum so soon.
They are facing each other now. I am on my knees between them. Holding each cock in each sweaty hand… I am shackled by dick. I take each cock in my mouth… squeezing the other with my fist. First one and then the other. Both men are strong, forceful. They run their hands up and down my naked body. They look at their distorted reflection in the mirror. They wipe their dicks in my hair and along my breasts. When they cum, one just after the other, they spray my hair and my face. I have cum, but who knows whose, streaked across my face. It stings my nose and eyes, it collects along my brows and in my lashes. Drips of my chin onto my quavering breasts.
They are not done.
On all fours, Master Drake takes my ass again. He is on his knees, but the rest of his body towers over me. His hands span my bottom and reveal pink impressions when he moves them aside to grip me under the arms and lift me up upon his shaft. From that position I am also able to service his friend. Who runs his only somewhat deflated cock along my throat. The pressure of his dick going down my gullet sends my body into convulsions. My ass muscles grip my master’s cock harder than he has ever felt. My body twists and contorts itself and the men grapple to maintain control. Strands of saliva pour from my mouth, spool around the Italian’s chin. My toes are curled and my palms and nails dig into my master’s thighs. The Italian cums first, shooting rivulets of cum down my throat until it bubbles up out of my mouth. Master Drake slides his hand across my shiny neck, his other arm is braced across my breasts. The entire length of his dick is in my ass. I scream, at last, my mouth is freed. I choke on the cum and stumble to the floor. As I do my master cums again, and so it seems, again and again. My entire body is bent amongst a sea of cum that pools on the floor. As he gently lifts me to my feet, nourishes me with the salty licks of their combined juices with the tips of gentle fingers, my lover whispers in my ear… that it is time to leave… but not… to go home.


For Master Drake

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