Monday, September 6, 2010

Camp Lindenwood Series: Pt. 4/5 Dirty Laundry

Chapter 4: Dirty Laundry


Today is Sunday, the last day of a long summer at Camp Lindenwood. In just a few days I will be returning to my small hometown in Finland, a cold little town close to the sea. I have been in America for a year, first as an exchange student and now working at camp. The other girls at camp, Simone especially, are much more sophisticated than I am, much more self-assured, but I do heartily doubt, that any of them are more experienced.

Anyway, I am in the laundry room on a rainy Sunday afternoon. The campers are gone, most of them left after closing ceremony earlier this morning. After that, most of the counselors crawled back to bed… we don’t have to leave for like another 48 hours. Donna, the senior counselor, (though I think she is right about my age, 18) asked me this morning if I would help her go through some laundry, linens and things that had to be cleaned and stored for the season… So, while she was running through each of the cabins, stripping sheets off of beds, I was alone in the laundry room reading a magazine. I hear a creak as the screen door opens. Because I was expecting Donna, I never even looked up from my reading, never noticed that it wasn’t in fact Donna, who entered at all, but it was the man whose name I’ve heard my friends whisper when they think they’re alone: Master Drake.

The first thing I notice, after I notice him at all, is that he is shirtless, the second thing I notice is the significant size of the bulge cupped between his legs. Now, I’m not loud, I’m not ostentatious, but like I told you before, I come from a…. in FINLAND. There’s not much to do, and I bore quite easily.

Flushing, I put down my magazine and extend my legs which had been haphazardly creased along the chair, exposing my upper thighs under the pale pink of my skirt, a remnant of this morning’s festivities.
“Relax” he says, putting his hand on my knee.
He moves to the small fridge in the corner of the laundry and takes out a coke. Returning to me, pulling up a chair, he smiles.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me” he continues. I feel the spray of his soda mist the ridge of my chest….
“…I know all of your secrets.”
And then, brushing my wavy auburn hair away from my ear, he proceeds to whisper intimate details… of my life, my liaisons…. names: Erik, Anton, Aldo, Mike, CJ…. Intimate acts he repeats back to me… details that make my cheeks blaze scarlet.
“Donna… that bitch.”
It comes to me in a flash, decorating the gym. For the dance. A leisurely conversation… girl talk… that’s what she had said.
“on the dining room table… in the park after church… in your Sunday clothes…”
“two at one time… in the alley behind the school….”
“on my desk… right here at the camp… during the bonfire.”

“in a canoe in the middle of the day” I continue… my voice is a monotone.

“on the laundry room floor” he finishes. Dropping me back, lifting my skirt, his face is soon plastered with the sticky smears of my cunt.
“with my boss…” I trail off….
“no bitch,” he says gently, lifting me off my chair and placing me on the floor,
“with your master.”

I shiver as he pulls off my thin tank top… pulls my pale pink skirt over my head… unsnaps the tiny hooks piecing together my blue bra, and wrestles me out of my lacy thong. I lift my arms over my head, extend them across the hard concrete floor. He is kissing my arm pits, my wrists, my breasts, my electric green eyes. He is scraping the round knowledge of my clitoris with the scratch of his chin. Kneading me.
“Tell me, my pet” he says, pinning my long arms to the cold floor. “tell me about the boys you have fucked. Tell me about them all. Tell me while a real master shows you how to do it properly.”
My mind races… where to start? Where to start?
“Tell me now, pet.”
I feel the tip of his cock probe the wet seat of my pussy. The words are bubbling up inside of my throat.
“Tommy… from Juniper cabin…” I begin breathlessly as I feel the first stab.
“Tell me more… slut” I hear the command, feel it too.
“On his bunk bed, about four hours ago” I moan.
“Go on. Slut”
“Aldo, back at home, in Finland. In the candy shop owned by his parents” I weep.
He is petting my hair, my long auburn tresses. Bending my body into an “L” his wrists clutch my ankles. Pushing himself in and out of the crescent of my cunt.
“Tell me about Aldo” he commands. A pierce. A jab.
My heart is racing; I struggle to recall.
“Aldo?” I whisper. “Aldo his hands were too sweaty and his penis was small.”
“That’s better pet… and Tommy?”
“Tommy… Tommy …. Tommy came very quickly.”
“How quickly, pet?”
“Under a minute” I reply.
“Go on”
“Greg who loved to cuddle. Cuddle to hide the fact he’d never cum”

He is stopping me now… covering my red mouth with his hand… damming the flow of words. Before I can continue, he lifts me up. He places me on the top of the dryer… I feel the hum and vibration of the hot metal against my flesh. My nipples bend upwards as the sensation courses up my spine.
“Sit up” he commands.
I do.
“Touch yourself for me, slut.”
“Tell me what a dirty whore you really are.”
As the cycles of laundry spin around and around, the strum of the engine and the stroke of my fingers consume me. Thump. Thump. Thump. Sitting across from me now, in the chair I had vacated, he too, is pleasuring himself, moving in rhythm to my words.

And so I tell him. As he pIeases himself, as my own fingers plumb the recesses of my pussy, I tell him the stories: of sweaty nights, cool beaches, park benches and dirty garages. Of boys who came too soon, couldn’t cum at all… boys whose voices cracked in pain with every orgasm. Of older men whose hearts beat faster at the sight of my young girlish breasts, of boys whose manhood was hinged on every pitiful thrust. I tell him about two-at-a-times: mouth and cunt, filled with spicy, adolescent cum. Of girl-on-girl, with Ekatarina after school. He is leaning forward now, hinged on my words. My fingers are drenched in the sweat of my sweetness, puddling on top of the dryer lid.

Standing up, he pushes my head down, so that the front half of my body leans over his. He pushes my head down, down, down to suck the first drops of pre-cum off of his penis which throbs purple and red under the fluorescent lights.
“Tell me about your ass, pet-slut”
My lips are still stretched around the circumference of his dick.
“Who took your ass?”

“No one hath” I mumble, coming up for air. The heat of the dryer is dampening the hairs around my ears and neck, they stick to my throat in little dark orange swirls.

“No one?” he repeats, his eyes big, round with anticipation. Excitement. I feel the sudden hitch rise up in my mouth. I feel the sudden squirt of his passion squeeze down my throat. He clenches my jaw.
“Ask me”

As my mouth bubbles over with the taste of his seed, I do.
“Master Drake, will you please be the first to take my virgin ass?”
“Tomorrow.” He responds. “I will.”

For: Master Drake

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