Friday, July 30, 2010

The Field Trip Part 2

The Field Trip: Part 2
Authored by: Psyche

Alone in the locker room, I do my best, with the limited resources at my disposal, to rinse the cum out of my hair, splash water on my face, disperse the odors of bodies and sweat that seem to permeate the very pores of my skin. I open the bag that Master Drake has left for me: “a change of clothes” he said. We do not share a similar fashion sense. In the bag, I find some leather panties. They are not a thong, but they lace up the back, and they are slitted. From the privacy of my changing stall, I am appalled. “Oh well,” I figure, “I probably won’t be wearing them for long anyway,” and on they go. They are snug, hugging the curves of my ass. Next up? A balconette bra. I roll my eyes. My nipples protrude garishly from the “cups.” There better be some actual clothes in here I think to myself. Further investigation reveals a very short cut-off denim skirt, its frayed edges hover just beneath the cheeks of my ass. And the coup de grace? A t-shirt. A Christmas tree green, GREEN LANTERN t-shirt. It is very small. When I pick it up, I actually emit a groan. I check the tag. It reads “youth: medium.” I yank it over my head. The circular green lantern logo stretches to an oval across the span of my tits. The hem falls just above my navel. I run a brush over my hair, leaving it fall in waves across my shoulders, as if it could somehow restore an iota of my modesty. I slip on some tennis shoes and dart out the door.

In the locker room, I see the gazes of other women. They are shocked by my scant outfit. I do not stop long enough to tell whether it is jealousy or judgment I see in their eyes. I yank open the door, and rush out, scurrying to the parking lot where Master Drake is waiting.

I find him parked in his car, a dark gray sedan. He is eating some dinner but he offers me none. Instead as I open the passenger side door, and slip in beside him, he runs his hands along the bottom of my breasts and later down the fronts of my thighs. He reaches over me, buckles me in. He unbuttons my skirt and pulls it down, just a little, revealing the smooth sheen of the kid leather hidden beneath. He kisses my mouth, and I can taste the salty grease of carnival food.

“are you ready, pet?” he asks, as if my answer mattered… I nod, and we are off.

Soon we are speeding down the residential streets, leaving the twinkling lights of the park behind us. Master Drake is driving haphazardly. I can personally attest that he has nothing to drink, still his driving is erratic for someone typically so controlled. We careen across corners with abandon until… inevitably… I see the flash of red and blue. We are being pulled over. I rush to pull up my skirt, restore my decency, button my fly, but Master Drake puts a restraining hand on mine. He tells me it will be alright. I trust him.

The officer is a woman. A tall, compact woman with skin the color of caramel apples. As the flashing lights swirl around us I see far set, almond shaped eyes, a long, sleek nose, a mouth like a just opening flower. Her body could stop traffic, but her voice is no nonsense as she asks Master Drake for his ID. He meets her directly, with a gaze that has stopped me a million times. He holds her in his sight as he reaches over me to open the glove compartment. As he hands it to her, he lets his hand rest on my lap.
I feel her eyes drop. She is looking at where his hand has fallen, on my exposed thighs, she doesn’t say anything as my master, my teacher, pushes my skirt down past my knees and pushes his middle and index finger through the slit in my panties and into the slit that waits above. I wriggle a little at his touch. The lights, still rotating, bounce off the curvy outline of my cleavage. He is speaking now, explaining to the officer how sorry he is… how embarrassed he is to be caught speeding. He promises it will never happen again. All the while he is finger fucking me. I don’t know how else to say it… from time to time he pulls his fingers out and feeds them to me, placing them in front of my nose so that I smell my scent and against my tongue so I can savor its tangy flavor. The officer’s voice is rote as she explains she will have to give him a ticket. He tells her that’s a damn shame and asks her for her name.
“Officer Rose” she responds, her dark eyes watch my every spasm; her eyes never leave me.
“Well, Officer Rose,” my master says soothingly, reaching over and opening my car door, “perhaps we can work something out.”
Master Drake undoes my seatbelt with his free hand and slides my body around in my seat so that I am facing Officer Rose. He runs the side of his hand between my breasts and then between my inner thighs, spreading my legs as he does.

Officer Rose lowers her body to a crouching position, her eyes are level with my… well you know… where. She snaps off her flashlight. In the dim light of the car’s dome light, she instead bends over and touches my inner thigh. Her hands are smooth and gentle as she massages the muscles and the span of my legs, her hands inch closer and closer to my crotch. Her dark eyes reflect the flashing lights of her squad car as she leans her face in close to me… she takes a long, deep whiff of my scent, exhales like she has sniffed some fine wine. Master Drake is watching her, expectantly. She nods her assent.

In seconds it seems like, my shirt is off, my hands are shackled above my head. My panties, as expected, are off, and lie on the side of the road. Officer Rose’s face is pushed flat into my pussy. She nips and bites the skin around where my legs form a V. She kisses my clitoris and sucks it between her teeth. Before she can completely climb in the car, before she can begin to recline my seat, Master Drake is unbuttoning her crisp blue blouse. He is tugging at the clasp of her lacy cream bra. Before I know it she is on top of me, her caramel breasts are floating above me. She is sitting on my legs, her long arms bending down, her gentle hands are no longer so gentle. Now HE has climbed over my seat, is cramming himself into the back seat, his arms outstretched in front of him as he lowers himself toward my open, panting mouth. He rubs his rigid cock along my nose, across my cheekbones. He holds it in my mouth, against the fat of my lips but he does not let the tip pass my teeth just yet. Officer Rose is fingering my master’s ass hole… it makes me color to see her. Her arm extended across my front. Her other still pumping and probing me, still she reaches, she circles his ass hole, running the tips of her long fingers across the rim. She leans into him, kissing the top of his back, between his shoulder blades. Meanwhile he, becoming more excited, has parted my teeth with his dick, he is moving quickly, but jerkily. His balls smack me against my chin and neck. The top of my head is shoved over the back of my seat. He is taking me hard because, in back of him, Officer Rose has entered his ass with her finger. She is rotating it, pushing, exploring, removing. She takes her finger and runs it along the center of my torso, between my breasts down to my naval. She leans in and begins to rub her breasts against mine. Her head rests against my master’s back, it is being jolted each time he presses down on me, but she sways to his rhythm. With her other hand she continues is touching herself, and then touching me. Our juices mingle. She covers my master’s mouth with her hand and he licks her fingers, one after the other. Her screams. They are higher than mine, louder. My master is grunting as the thwack thwack sound of his balls hitting my chin becomes faster and faster. My body is being pressed in on all sides. I can barely move at all. My eyes are watering and my nose is running. I am gagging. Officer Rose can feel my heart racing under hers, feel my rib cage rattle as I gasp for air. I think I am cumming. I think I am dying. Then, suddenly, there is an explosion. My mouth is filled with the familiar sting of salt as it is filled. The two lovers stroke my hair and exchange kisses above my head. They lick the cum off of my face and catch the little droplets that roll down the sides of my mouth with their fingertips. They feed each other. I am their plate. I am their meal.

When it is over, Master Drake watches appreciatively as Officer Rose dresses me. Like my mother used to do for me years ago, she pulls my shirt over my head, buttons my skirt… She kisses my breasts, strokes the round edges of my ass. She kisses Master Drake once on his dick before she dresses herself and steps out of the car. As she turns to leave, she stops. Bending over, she picks up my panties, black kid leather, which had been abandoned on the road. She looks at me. I reach out, she pulls back her hand, smiles past me, meeting my master’s eyes once again, and sticks them in her pocket before she disappears into the night.

The End

For: Master Drake


  1. This is what I told our (mutual) master when I first read this story. This only happens when I am incredibly turned on which isn't as often as I would like.

    I wish you could see my eyes right now I'm sure they are fully dilated and green.

  2. Give me your story idea Miss Gothic Sunrise, and I will see what I can do, at my humble little keyboard, to increase the frequency in which you are "incredibly turned on"
