Sunday, October 3, 2010

Camp Lindenwood Series: The Long Farewell Part 5/5

Chapter 5: The Long Farewell


It’s 9:30 pm, and I am making my way… slowly…. very slowly… to the cabin under the hemlock trees. I’m late by half an hour… and maybe 3 or 4 years. Ever since I confided in my supervisor, Donna, the dreadful truth that I was a virgin, well, the status had weighed around me like a brick. You see, it’s not that I’m a prude, and it’s not like I’m 40; I’m 22 though, done with university. I’ve waited long enough. What happened to me, do you wonder? Do you wonder if I’m ugly, why I’ve been ignored? I don’t think I’m ugly. I’m medium built, with a tiny waist. I’m pale, and slightly freckled, I hope you won’t hold that against me! My hair is chestnut brown and curly, my eyes are round, the color of blueberries. I have dimples when I smile. I take good care of myself. So, what happened? Well, I guess, for one thing, I went to an all-girls’ school to start. And then on holiday, well, I have parents who love me; I went on safari, and toured the old palaces of Russia, rafted the Amazon; I guess I just never had time. And then at university, I guess I just kind of got lost. It never seemed like the right time, the right bloke. And I suppose I’m really not that adventurous…. only in my dreams.

My dreams… that’s how it all started… awaking in the middle of the night, in the dark with throbbing genitalia, aroused from my slumber by thoughts of wickedness. I had thought I had sufficiently muffled the ensuing sounds of my orgasm, sprung from my own fingers… my own touch. Thought that no one had heard me writhe underneath my bed sheets envisioning faceless men with their sex exposed, descending on me in a school bus. But I had been wrong. When Donna accosted me the next morning, drilled me with questions until me cheeks burned, I finally confessed. Told her the truth. Told her everything. I was an unhappy virgin. And now tonight, all that was about to change.

When I finally reach the cabin, stand outside it in my skyvvies for 15 more minutes gathering the courage to knock on the door, I am, of course, the last to arrive. When I finally knock, Donna opens the door, hugs me, welcomes me in. She is wearing an ivory silk negligee, one that falls like rainwater over the voluptuous curves of her body. I can’t help but stare. She herds me into the bedroom where the other girls are waiting. Kelly, in a dark blue, silk pajama top and shorts, Simone, in a dove gray bathrobe that ends mid-thigh. Would you believe me if I told you she wasn’t wearing anything underneath? They are both in the bed… arguing quietly. I can’t hear what they are saying. Shoshanna is wearing a tight pink cami and hipster shorts with words that I can’t say out loud scrawled across the front and backside in large, bejeweled letters, and Halla, tall and willowy is wearing a sheer cotton night dress that just grazes the bottom of her… well the top of her thighs. Her hair is done in little pigtails and she is painting her nails a bright shade of pink. Everyone looks up when I enter. They stare at my own modest pale blue nighty, my fuzzy slippers, my wondrous eyes… It’s like they’ve never seen a virgin before.

I am nervous, I admit it. When Mister Drake arrives ten minutes later… when I hear his car tires crunch on the gravel outside, hear the screen door slam and his footfalls on the stairs, my tummy starts to spin in belly flops. The others are more subdued now too. The room, once abuzz with hairspray and idle gossip, has gone suddenly serious. Mister Drake enters the bedroom a few minutes later, setting his brown paper parcel on the floor. His eyes travel to room taking in the sight of the six girls arrayed before him. His eyes linger on me.
“Avery…” he walks over, wraps me in a tight hug, the rise of my breasts collapse in his embrace. I smell his scent surround and overwhelm my senses.
“Welcome to my coterie. I hope this will be a special night for you.”
I smile, surprised, thanking him politely.
“I have a few questions for you first, Avery….” he explains, cupping my pointed chin in his hands, the way a father does a child.
“OK” I relent.
“First, will you call me master?”
I redden. Feel sheepish inside, I look away, but he clutches my chin and forces me to meet his gaze.
“Master?” he repeats.
“Master Drake?”
“No pet, just Master.”
I take a deep breath. “Yes, master” I respond, feeling a chill run up my spine. “What is your next question master?”
“Will you do everything your master says?” he queries. “Do it the first time, like a good little pet should?”
I nod my assent.
“Will you let me tie you up tonight, when I take your virginity, pet?”
He says it like a question, but I realize it is not. I bite my lip, leaving a deep red cut. Once again, I nod my head.
“Say it pet.”
“Yes” and then realizing my error… “yes please”

He rises, turns to Donna “get her ready.” He is out the door, down the steps. The room springs into action. Kelly is lifting my night shirt off; Donna is opening the parcel left by the doorway revealing a bright red panty which she pulls up over my thighs. Simone is dusting my face with scented powder, my face and well… some other places too, applying a dark cherry stain to my lips. Around my wrists, someone, I think Shoshanna, encircling them with leather bonds, cuffing them together behind my back. Donna is leading me to the king sized bed, shackling my hands to its great wooden posts. Flanking me on the bed, holding my feet to the bed, are Kelly and Donna. When master returns,
Simone greets him at the door, “voila!” she exclaims.
He crawls up on the bed. Without saying a word, Shoshanna and Simone begin to undress him, pulling away jeans, shorts, shirt, until he is on top of me, naked. I flex my calves as I feel his breath on my chest, and am surprised at the strength in which Kelly and Donna hold me down.
“A virgin” he says, “in my bed” He has taken his erection, his um, his erect penis in his hands and he sort of drags it along my face, under my nostrils so that I can smell his scent. I can feel my nipples inhale.
“Do you really want me to take your virginity away from you tonight, pet?” he inquires, running his… er, penis, down the slope of my nose.
“Yes, yes” I repeat “yes master”
“Do you want me to turn you into a fucking cunt whore – a whore like these bitches?” he asks gesturing with his … dick…. to the girls that circle the bed.
I nod my head.
“Ask me nice” he replies, rearing up on his haunches.
“please master” I am trembling, shaking inside “please make me a dirty, filthy whore.”
Slowly, he lowers himself into my mouth.
I exhale, long and deep.
His dick fills up my mouth… my cheeks puff out in an effort to accomodate him, his thighs hug my cheeks. I can smell him all around me. Down below my clitoris has begun to flinch.
He is moving in and out of me now, but I remain … motionless, paralyzed.
“use your tongue, slut”
I had forgotten, jolted into awareness, I tentatively run my tongue along the crease of his dick. I feel him pause, momentarily, savoring the sensation. I am emboldened. Gently I begin to rotate my tongue around the smooth ridge that heads his … cock. I fold my tongue into the tiny hole at the top. As he dangles it over me, I lick the base, suck the sack of his balls… ladling them in and out of my mouth.
“she’s a quick study” I hear Kelly snicker.
Now he is sliding his cock, wet with my saliva, down the course of my front, between my breasts and down the center of my abdomen, leaving a thin trail of spittle in its wake. The girls, Kelly and Donna are grasping my knees in their arms and splaying them outward. I feel his cock hit the nub of my clitoris; it feels like someone has pierced me. I yelp. He is at the throat of my vagina, pushing against the baby flesh of my labia. I look down, afraid to look anywhere else… he is pushing past the tension of my resistant muscles now…. I can feel them clenching, tightening… pushing against his entry. I feel the burn as he slides into me… millimeter by millimeter…. I see the centimeters of his cock buried in my flesh. Slowly, grudgingly, I feel my muscles expand, making room for the intruder. He is only halfway down into me yet, but I feel like my stomach will rupture at any moment. He pulls out and then begins again, a little less patiently… a little further in… I feel myself beginning to moisten, feel my juices as they spill out of my labia… feel the walls of my cunt finally release… relax… as he slides his way in. My graceful legs hook over his, held in place by two willing women. My arms are bound and strapped above me. My cunt is free.

In just a while, after my body has succumbed to spasms of pleasure and deep moans of pain, he pulls out of me. His penis is caked in the residue of my cunt. Leaning back on me, he once again fills my mouth, the rotten-sweet taste of my own pungent juices sting my tongue. He is less careful now, tunneling his way through my mouth. I close my eyes, but can’t keep them shut…. He is pushing against the back wall of my mouth, my blue eyes begin to water and overflow. The tears roll down my cheeks and my nostrils flair, struggling for air. I know he feels my body wiggle under his. Kelly and Donna run smooth hands up and down my body, finesse the ridges of my cunt, explore the pinch of my ass. He is grunting himself now, calling me “a dirty whore,” “his fucking cunt.” He is breathing heavily. Suddenly he gestures to Shoshanna who approaches the bed.
“Tell me pet, where should I cum on this bitch?”
“mmm master,” she purrs, fondling my cunt. She bends over and whispers her answer in his ear.
“very well”
Extracting himself from my mouth, he once again takes my pussy, plunging into it with such great force… I moan, try to cover my mouth, but my leather bound hands won’t reach. I feel the expenditure of my vaginal muscles, feel their clutch give way. The thick spurt and the warm trickle as he lifts his cum-laden dick back out and to my mouth. I taste the salt slick as it travels down my parched throat. Feel him finish by dousing my hair and eyes.

After I have been initiated, I am allowed to join the others. We line the wall of the bedroom, shameless in our nudity. Master passes before each of us in turn, caressing erect nipples, groping wet cunts. At times, at his desire, a girl will bend down and suck his cock, lap his balls, tenderly finger his ass. Finally, he directs Shoshanna and Simone to the chair and ottoman set sitting in the corner, next to the bed. Simone grimaces but does not complain. Kelly and Donna get the bed. Halla and I. We are left with the wall.
“Bend over” he instructs me.
Then he reaches over and turns out the light.


The lights go out.
I can hear the sound of Avery’s breathing short and quick beside me. I wait, bracing myself. Nothing.
I wait as my ears pick up the sounds of movement from the bed and the chair, the ache of bodies coming together, the smack of wet skin touching wet skin. I am bent over, as master instructed, my hands braced against the wall. I can feel the dull thud of the wall against the crown of my head. My two pigtails tickle my ears. I hear the rustle of the bag again, feel the cool weight of a leather band being strapped around my neck. I hear Avery inhale as one is fastened around hers as well. The click as I realize that we are tethered together, collared. roped.

And then again, nothing. From the further recesses of the room, I hear the hisses of girls “eat me bitch” “eat me” followed by sighs, grunts, moans. I feel the cool night breeze through the open window. It makes me shiver. But all I see is darkness. Next to me, I hear Avery suddenly inhale sharply. I am practically pulled off my feet as I feel her body stumble and bump against mine. I feel master’s arm brush my right hip as he steadies her. I feel her slim torso next to me lurch, her spine arches like a cat’s. And then, her scream. It is raspy, feral. She is crying, panting in my ear… whispering “no, no, no… yes… yess. Yessss.” Her hand has gripped mine, her nails dig into it. I cringe, but I do not shove her off. Who knows what solace I may need when it is my turn? I hear the “thwack” “thwack” of skin hitting skin, am lulled by its rhythm… until I feel the sweaty spine of his dick caress my ass. Beside me, Avery’s body is racked by sobbing heaves. She is clammy, whispering “thank you master, thank you.” His hands are under me, pinching my nipples, his cock is poised behind my ass. I think that if we were all quiet enough you could hear my heart beat. And then…. Ufff. I feel him. The hard force pushing against such a small little hole. I let out a small cry. “master” I squeal. His legs hurdle my own, his arms locked above. I feel the slow push of his forced entry, the slow slide of dick pulsating against stubborn walls. Incrementally he enters my virgin ass… unlocking each muscle with each deliberate thrust. I grit my teeth, beads of sweat litter my brow. Behind me I hear the smacks of lips against skin, the wails of girls in climax. My ass is twitching uncontrollably, so much so, that he removes his hands from the wall above and rests them on my ass, enjoying the reflex of my muscle spasms. His dick is pulsing inside me. I hear his breathing quicken. Quicken. Quicken.
“bitch” he yells, and I feel the squirt of cum load my ass and drip to the plush carpet below. I hear the sounds of four other ladies, who answer his shout like a sirens’ song, descending to where I stand, licking my legs, handling his weakening cock with gentle hands and lips. Beside me, Avery sinks to the ground, pulling me along with her.


A while later, when we are no longer blinded by the return of the light, we finally have our sleep-over. My master lies in the middle of the bed, his cock already showing signs of new life. Around him, tired heads resting on downy pillows, lie six exhausted girls. Each one of us tucked into a comfortable sleeping bag on the floor. I am sure as the night progresses, he will summon us, one by one to entertain him on his bed, but for now I am content to sit, alone with my thoughts. I am increasingly aware that the summer is coming to an end, that in mere days I will be driving three hours south to attend the liberal arts school of my choice. I run my hands over the stain on my crotch. 16. Sixteen. 15 before me, how many after? I lie there, silent in the night, mulling my thoughts. I hear the first girl, rise from her place on the floor to answer his summons as I slowly drift off to sleep.

The next day, as I am packing up my car, I am startled to hear footsteps running up behind me. It is Kelly. She is out of breath. She is wearing a bright yellow sundress with gold flip flops. Her hair is pulled back in a long pony tail. She is gulping for air, when she points to it, can hardly speak: around her neck, a black leather cord, and from hanging a little, silver charm. 17.

The End


  1. What's a long farwell?

  2. Well, in the story, it is Donna's last time with Master Drake before she leaves for college. But also, at one point, it was possiby going to be the last thing I wrote for a while...
