Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Wednesday" an excerpt from "Tomorrow Never Comes"


It was nearing ten o’clock, but Laurel Tennyson was still at work. Hunched over her desk, back aching, blue eyes bleary, Laurel slaved away at the keyboard in front of her, words, directives, scoldings echoing through her word-numbed mind. The debate was tomorrow, the election mere weeks away, which was why it was imperative, just imperative that Laurel master every single detail, down to each stray comma, every fact and quote, statistic neatly referenced, collated and properly stacked… 22 briefings, all to be ready for tomorrow’s morning review….

Laurel’s pace quickens, her hands gliding over the 104 keys, recalling the senator’s disapproving frown, his clucks of dismay when she had presented him with her first drafts earlier in the day. His reproof still echoing in her ears, “amateurish” he had pronounced it, casting three weeks of her labor into the nearest trashcan, all the while making no effort to conceal his lust for her, his eyes lingering on the dimple of material stretching between her rounded breasts, his hands brushing her exposed thigh, his lecherous, sadistic grin, as he lets his hands slide a little higher than they ought, telling her to stay late, to redo them…. redo them all. To stay as late as she must. She can hear him now, above the din of her typing, calling her, summoning her, “fetch me some coffee, miss…”
Wearily Laurel rises from her chair; she has been seated so long that her legs feel stiff, arthritic. The crepe lines of her crisp cream colored suit are run up and down with wrinkles, her pale blue shell hugs her tiny waist, but it has come untucked on one side, adding to her overall unkemptness. Laurel removes her glasses which have left tiny red impressions on the sides of her nose, shuffles to the coffee maker, filling the enormous mug 2/3s full, measuring out exact amounts of sugar and milk, leveling each spoonful with as much precision as her time drained body can muster. She pulls her hair, which she wears in a bun for convenience, down, letting the rich blonde tresses swirl around her shoulders. The senator does not wish for her to wear her hair up. Laurel stirs the coffee twelve times, turns the handle to face her left and rests the spoon gently on the right hand side of the saucer before bringing it to the senator.
He is on the phone when she enters, his back facing her as she rests the steaming saucer next to him and turns to go. “Wait…” he says, grabbing her wrist, turning mouth from receiver and drawing her close so that the edge of her buttocks rests on the edge of his desk, so that as he leans back in his reclining desk chair, his eyes fall level with her crotch. He continues his conversation leisurely while she waits… savoring the view of her nervous body; he feels her tense as his hands, reaching for coffee, brush her thigh, touch her hip, as he leans in, reaching for his rolodex, straining to grasp it over her trembling lap; she can feel his hot breath singe her chest through the thin material of her blouse…. smell the grease of his pomade, his political stench, crinkle her nose. She is sitting perfectly still, afraid that any single movement will be interpreted as a sign, a signal of assent. He hangs up the phone at last, turning toward her too quickly, knocking cup and saucer to the floor with a clatter; she feels the hot spray of liquid splash across the clean white sprawl of her ivory skirt front, hear his expletives as the brown beverage snakes its way down her legs, spreading in large murky puddles across the floor, curving around the ceramic shards of the broken teacup. And so Laurel finds herself on her hands and knees, mopping up the mess while the senator tracks her ass like he has it on radar. Watching the small of her back dip and rise and her fetching, pert ass bob up and down with each menial scrub. And then as she takes water sodden towel to her own stained lap, she feels it. Feels him. His hand, reaching up around the limp folds of her skirt, reaching between her trembling thighs…. Until Laurel is scurrying out of his office clutching her sopping skirt the sound of his quiet laughter ringing in her ears.
Alone at last, in the relative sanctity of her front office, Laurel scrubs at the large brown stain furiously; she feels the hot sting of tears welling in her eyes just as she hears the disturbance at the door. Looking up she is mortified to see her sisters: Rowan, Mara and Willow strolling through the entrance way, escorted by a tall, dark haired man in a black jacket. Mara and Willow are mirror images of Laurel, luxurious blond hair, round blue eyes shaded by rows of black lashes. Large curved breasts that taper into small, elegant waists, long, coltish legs. Rowan, though a year older, is slightly shorter than her sisters, with a fountain of tangerine hair that shrouds her dark, almond shaped eyes, her face a maze of soft angles, her body trim, with two round breasts that point upward, tossed toward the pale length of her graceful neck. Although Laurel, herself, is a mess, she is no match for her sisters, whose levels of dishevelment eclipse her own sorry state. Smears of lipstick tarnish each girl’s face, tracks of burgundies and petal pink, lip strokes brushed across cheeks and décolletages, Mara’s blouse is ripped in the front and a button is missing, Rowan’s skirt is twisted sideways and all of its lively pleats have fallen out. Willow has a large streak of cum a full hand-width’s wide matted in her thick blonde hair. And Laurel can see that, winding around their three slender ankles, each sister is wearing a slim chain of metal snaked around her left leg.
“What do you want? Why are you here?’ Laurel demands, her eyes narrowing into slits.
“See Master,” explains Willow, apologetically, “just as I told you, she’s very uptight.”
“She’s got a porcupine up her ass” adds Mara while Rowan, assuming Laurel’s chair, leans her knees up tight against the edge of Laurel’s desk, letting the loose folds of her red skirt fall back, revealing that her black opaque tights end at her thigh, showing off the nudity of her milky legs and exposed sex.

Master Drake surveys the newest member of the Tennyson family, observes red rimmed eyes, prettily flushed cheeks, heaving chest… swallowing sobs… it is almost too good to be believed. Willow is astride Laurel’s desk, Laurel just in time to snatch away a stack of dossiers before they are smushed by Willow’s descending ass… when Master Drake approaches her, notices her flinch as he grasps her arm.

“We shouldn’t have come tonight,” he begins softly… sees her relax just a little. “I can see that you are very busy.” Laurel nods her head numbly. Freeing herself from his grasp, folders hugged to her breast, she strides to the corner filing cabinet…
“You should all leave… now.” She says forcefully; collecting her composure. “The senator will not tolerate visitors, especially my visitors at this late hour.”
Master Drake approaches her again, cornering her against the wall, speaking calmly. “we’ll be out of your hair soon Laurel. What I want needn’t take long.”

Laurel can see the intensity of his blue eyes running up and down the curves of her figure. It feels different than when the senator had done so just a little while ago. She feels herself drawn and repelled from him at the same time…. Her tired mind is confused as he pulls her toward him, planting his open mouth on her closed one, feels his tongue part the fat of her bee-stung lips…

“You will do as I tell you…” he whispers moving one hand up the thin layer of her blouse.
“No, no, no…” she is murmuring, quietly, plaintively… hearing the senator moving about in the adjacent office, “you have to leave… please… please just go.” Laurel can feel the curious eyes of her sisters revolving around her, smell the stale smell of coffee that lingers, saturating her senses…. But all she can think about is him… the creep of his hand up her leg….. the urgency in his voice as he tells her that he will go. Now. If only she tells him to stop.

“stoooo…” she falters as she feels his fingers fumble between the press of her satin panties, feels her cheeks crimson at his discovery of the damp crescent that awaits him.
He looks at her, her lips are parted now, her chest rises and falls against the press of his body against hers…. His gaze is piercing as he waits for her to continue. When she doesn’t, when it is clear that she has succumbed, he explains to her that tonight he and her sisters will have their way with her. That she is to be a good pet and do as he commands. And that if she is unable to, then he will alert the senator himself to her debauched ways, her sexual proclivities purchased on the government’s dollar. Does she understand, he wants to know. Does she understand?

Laurel colors, clenches her legs shut even as she feels the prick of passion between her thighs, the lips of her cunt moisten ... even more the rise of her tell-tale nipples under the her bra... stiffen harden as he waits for her response.
She thinks, her mind is racing, recalling events that had brought this night's awful deeds upon her. What had she done, what… what had she done? Perhaps it was when she had told Rowan to get a real job instead of sucking cock all night, to which Rowan herself had responded that she hadn't realized their occupations were so similar... or when she had, just the other day, broken up with Willow’s boyfriend for her, assumed Willow’s name and broken up with that loser from the bike shop for her... she had done her a favor really... told him that she needed a man who would take her places....
And with Mara, who knew Mara was just mean, but… Laurel shuts her eyes, feels the stranger’s breath stroking her neck, and the humiliation racks her body… in the palpable silence as he waits... does she understand?
Her palms are sweaty she is quivering, suppressing her panic... She raises her eyes only to lower them again quickly... he is staring at her, the blue of his eyes boring holes into her breasts, into her stomach ... and lower. She feels herself flush, tries to turn away from him, but he is holding her pushed up against the sharp corner of the filing cabinet... She feels the cold metal jut into her spine... she stares at her sisters, at their slinky, slutty selves, masturbating on her desk, shuffling her papers, her weeks and weeks of diligent work... wetting each other’s fingers with extended tongues, before caressing damp recesses... slick holes. Her face burns as she answers. Sullenly, almost silently... “yes.”
Just barely… “yes.”
“That's a good girl” the stranger responds, pushing her gently to the ground, bidding her to follow him, across the office, on all fours... like a dog. Laurel’s eyes water with the sting of humiliation; she averts her eyes this time, not to avoid the intensity of his watch, but so that she can avoid the mockery of her sisters... She crosses slowly, prolonging her pain, but she cannot bring herself to move faster... her humiliation is like a brick, an anchor holding her back. When he arrives at Laurel's desk he signals for her to stop. A low whistle. Laurel feels the heat rise in her face, but as she sees his eyes wander to the wood paneled hallway that stretches out of the back of her office, leading to the senator's office at the end of the hall, she bites her tongue. She stops, pulls up on her haunches and waits. Deftly he slides her between the desk and the chair, planting her hands on the ground, a few feet apart, her head, bowed, facing away from him.
Beside her, her older sister Rowan has a promise to be kept. Rising from her chair, Rowan places each of her feet between the milky white hands of her trembling sister who lies below her on the floor. Over her prostrate body, Master Drake stands, his erect dick, which he removes from his pants, dangling inches in front of Laurel’s downcast face. Forcefully, though not cruelly, he pushes Rowan’s head to the desk, her arms sweep across its smooth surface sending paperclips and election buttons crashing to the ground, so that smiling pictures of the senator surround Laurel, his face leering up at her as she waits for the next command. When it comes, she blushes despite her inner vows not to…

“Your sister… your sister pet, has promised me her virgin ass tonight, pet…” he begins addressing Laurel. “You will have the privilege of preparing it for me.” Guiding Laurel’s reluctant hands up the halves of Rowan’s buttocks, Laurel is forced to part them for him, exposing the tender pink crease of her ass and the tiny brown pucker nestled within.
“Spank her for me, pet.” Laurel reddens. What if the senator hears? She turns her face toward him, a beseeching look, but he pushes her head back gently towards the prone body of her sister. Clasps her wrist, raising her hand for her.
Laurel blanches. And then, quivering, brings her hand down with a thud on the white flanks of her sister.
“Harder” he commands.
Laurel raises her hand again, this time of her own accord, bringing the flat of her hand down swiftly, this time eliciting a smile, a slow groan from the recumbent red head stretched out in front of her.
Laurel feels her ass rub up against the end of his cock as she raises her body off of the plush green carpet of the senator’s office, raises her hand, lowering it with a resounding smack.
Rowan gasps, her head bangs against the surface of the desk. Her hands grip the sides of it…
Another smack, louder than the last. Rowan’s ass is coloring a bright pink. She is writhing in pleasure-pain. Her black clad legs are dancing about with each tremendous swat, the billows of her red skirt pushed above her, her pink ass taut and primed for the master’s pleasure.
“See…???” says the master bending down to whisper in Laurel’s ear. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”
Laurel flushes, excitement pulses through the fine muscles of her face, her eyes are bright but glazed…
“Now, lick it for me” he says.
Like a deflated balloon, Laurel turns toward his upright face… “you mean….?”
“Yes Pet, lick your sister’s dirty ass.”

Laurel balks, backs up, but the master is right there, blocking her path, forcing her forward again with the weight of his legs, until her face is just inches from the swollen target. Laurel extends a tentative tongue, her hair falls in front of her face, shielding her dismay from the eyes of her grinning sisters. Slowly she begins to lap at the crest of Rowan’s ass. Like a kitten, she strokes it. One lick. Two licks. Three. And now Willow is there too, bending down to suck on her master’s cock. Let its hard intent bend back her head and press upon her throat. Feel it glide between her teeth, filling her mouth with the fullness of him. Willow, Willow, who fondles his balls with tender fingers, whose billowing breasts hug his knees, while in front of him, Laurel, this his newest prize, primes the ass that tonight, will be his. He can’t stand it any longer, impatience rushes over him, withdrawing from the lush mouth of his twenty-seventh pet, he plunges the force of his dick into the nether regions of Rowan’s glistening bottom. Feels her wrench at the first punch… sees her knuckles whiten as they grasp each side of the desk. Her pink ass tightens around him… surrounding him with the tight tissue of her anus. He is pushing against her resistant muscles, straining to break through the barrier of her contracted tissue… into the warm embrace of her ass. The push of his erection, forcing itself into the tight of her ass… sliding further further until at last he has his way…. He feels the muscles around him loosen, fall slack as he works her… the friction giving away to the smooth slide of his cock… in and out… just a little, filling up space where there was none before… engorging her ass with the weight of his fullest potential… seizing the mottled curves of her bottom which wriggle and twitch with his every thrust. Delighting in the twin beauties bowing at his feet and at the third, who bends front-ways over the desk, covering his neck with the adoration of her gentle kisses which fall upon his throat and chest… as he pushes again and again. Hears Rowan’s muffled voice… begging him to take her other hole… pleading as she rides the passion of his pulse, heaving… she feels her sisters pull at her ankles, keeping her rooted to the floor, her arms strap the desk, but still she feels like she could fly away… his fingers are in her now, plunging three and four-fold into the sweet bowl of her cunt. The thin wall of flesh separating her two holes pulsates with pleasure as she is stroked… one and then the other, pummeling her… thrusting in and out… wet juices drip onto the laminate desk top, trickle down her legs, her moans and wild sobs escalate… he is ramming into the meat of her flesh, ripping in and out… his pelvis grinding against the pale moons of her buttocks, his fingers plumbing the tropical folds of her pussy, wet and glistening, sliding through her crimson cunt. His breath labored, heavy… as the hot house of her ass enfolds him, pressing in around him, until it is wringing his cum from him, and he is falling upon her prone body, filling her ass to the brim… as above him Mara warms his back with the soft touch of her caress and under him, Rowan’s body relaxes, the rush of orgasms subsiding, the hot sheen of sweat still glistening on her face.

At her feet, her sister Laurel feels the inner well of envy and longing mingle as she watches her sister in the throes of lust. And while her sister’s passion eventually subsides, Laurel sits on the floor, filled with desire… Looking down at her, from where he is now seated, in her leather backed swivel chair, Master Drake reaches into his pocket, pulls out a slim manila envelope.

Dangling it in front of her, he leans over… “what do you say, Pet?”
Laurel sits up, shifts her gaze to the envelope… “please…” she says hesitantly… “please master?”
Smiling Master Drake lowers the envelope, allowing its contents to trickle into his hands, a slim, metal chain, identical to the ones her sisters wear, which he leans over and fastens to her ankle, saying simply, “now you are mine.”

So when he orders her, a short time later, to take his penis in her mouth, she does not protest. Her tear stained cheeks and red-rimmed eyes rise and fall below him as she takes his cock between her succulent lips, rolling her tongue over its creases, feeling it harden to her touch… feels the rapture of pleasing him swell in her heart. He brushes away the strands of corn-silk hair that hide her face, watching the lightly tinted eyelids that flutter when she moves, the concave hollows of her cheeks as she lowers her face down toward him, as low as she can go… hears the soft retch as he pushes, pushes beyond…

When the senator rings at half past eleven, the phone light blinking like an insistent firefly, Master Drake allows his pet to answer the phone, fingers her cunt, between the thin line of her panties as he hears her promise to review his speech notes, order his car and pick up his dry cleaning. Her servile tone delights him so that before she can hang up the phone, he is standing behind her, bending her over and plunging her pussy with his hardening dick. He hears her gasp into the phone, color as she attempts to explain it away… her voice breaking with each of his thrusts. Behind him he feels Mara slowly circling the rim of his ass, sending shivers up his spine with the luxurious touch of her long fingers against his flesh… her soft hair brushing his legs… Laurel is bent over the desk now, struggling to make sense of the senator’s commands, she can hear him, but all she can feel is the slick, hard dick of her master drilling her from behind. His hands are pressed against the small of her back, her face is practically flush with the desk. Master Drake can hear the senator’s voice, speaking to his pet, hear him reminding her how he wants his breakfast the next day and what tie to bring him for the debate. He has no idea that his intern is getting fucked in his greeting room, that his memos and briefs and campaign posters are slick with her juices… the juices that he, Master Drake, has stirred inside of her… the passion he incited. And so, before the senator can finish, before Laurel can make the call that will summon his car to arrive within the next fifteen minutes, Master Drake has cum, a second time, sending spurts of cum all over the place, covering the sea of campaign buttons that litter the floor with the salty spray of his seed.

Forty minutes later, Holly Tennyson is sitting by her window waiting for her daughters to arrive home. It is late after all, and Laurel has to work tomorrow and Mara has class. The younger children had been asleep for at least half an hour. Holly is an attractive woman though her brown eyes are filled with sadness and longing. In her lap she cradles a photo, old and prematurely stained, it is a picture of Holly from years ago, smiling into the camera, her lush auburn hair rippling down her milky shoulders. She is seated, looking directly into the camera. Her eyes are happy, full of laughter. Behind her, faceless, is a man, or just so, his torso, his hands, resting on her shoulders, his face obscured by the edge of the photo-frame… Holly sighs, lifts her wrist, strokes the lone tattoo embedded in her pale skin. A single number: 10. A reminder of a promise.

Minutes later Holly’s reverie is shattered by the unmistakable sound of her daughters’ approach… a speeding vehicle, a blast of noxious music. It was them. As Holly peers out of the lace bound window, she is startled to see a gray sedan pull up in front of her house. She squints into the darkness. Were all four of her daughters arriving in a single automobile, together? As the car comes to a stop, and doors are thrown open, Holly stares at the tumble of long legs and sea of hair that emerge from the vehicle. Willow, leather clad from the drivers’ side, and Mara, naturally riding shotgun, but then from the back seat, slipping out the door, Rowan her red skirt blowing against her skinny legs in the cruel March wind and Laurel in black coat and white knit hat… And then, last, climbing out of the back seat to resume his position in the front, a man. Holly is squinting, staring into the night. A tall man with brown hair and a black coat…. She watches her daughters swarm around him, bestowing his face with blowy kisses before starting up to the front door.

Withdrawing from the window, Holly’s face is full of wonder… Distractedly she looks again at the number etched onto her wrist, picturing the silhouette of the mysterious man who had tamed her daughters, in the back of her head, humming now as she crosses the room to greet her girls, pulling the sleeve of her pink sweater over the tattoo… for now… it would wait until tomorrow.

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