Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Note to my Readership

I am a writer, not a storyteller, and thus I need your help. I just began writing at the end of the summer, and am thus, running the course of the writings I am willing to share. So this message is to the vocal among you: please share your ideas with me... I know you have them. I will write just about anything as long as it's among consenting adults. E-mail me, facebook me, share with me...

Thank you,



  1. Psyche,
    I love the way you write ... with the same urgency and wantonness with which your protagonists abandon themselves to their passions (and those of their men) ...
    and yet your innocence and (erstwhile) purity is evident, revealed in your stark and sometimes jarring choices of words. You capture a sense of being in disbelief and awe of your own surrender of control ...
    Let me give some thought to your invitation to suggest a scenario ...
    Your husband is a lucky man ...


  2. Thank you JR. You are very perceptive... you understand a lot about me, intuitively, or so it would seem... and you're right, we're both lucky.
